Monday, July 16, 2018

That Didn't Take Long!

Beach Cottage is finished! I'm trying to figure out why I put it away when I was so close to a finish, but most Victoria Sampler designs are what I like to call fiddly. Below is a snippet from the pamphlet that I made a working copy from. As I work my way through the design, I mark out the verbiage, as well as marking my progress on the chart. At some point, I get a little burned out on the backstitching here and there, color changes, etc. and I move on to a simpler design. But I always come back.

Beach Cottage by Victoria Sampler
stitched on 32 ct Frozen Fractals by Hand-Dyed Fabrics by Stephanie
using the VS accessory pack

I come back because the payoff is so sweet!


RJ said...

I love this stitch so much and would love to make it for dear friends that own a pretty beach home. They have generously let us stay so many times and I always like to put something hand stitched in this thank you basket of goodies. You did a super job on the specialty stitches.

Come by when you have a chance and sign up for our big give away. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

Pamela said...

This is gorgeous! I love all the details!

Kristen said...

It's lovely!

Kay said...

This is beautiful. I love all of the detail on the design and especially the colour changing word border. The chart does look a pain to follow. x

Vickie said...

Oh Von! This is so very pretty! I love the colors so very much.

Robin in Virginia said...

Von, congratulations on getting Beach Cottage finished! It is such a pretty piece. I really like the cottage color. What thread did you use for the words?

Marilyn said...

Congrats on your beautiful finish!
Love their cottages.

Terri said...

It's beautiful! I love the detail on it! Congrats!

Barb said...

That is a delightful little project!! I want that cute beach house in Ocean Shores!

diamondc said...

What a lovely design, I love the flowers.


Mary said...

I would love to stay in a cottage by the beach that looked just like that!! Such a charming, colorful stitch!

Brigitte said...

Gorgeous finish, Von.