Friday, August 12, 2016

The Latest in WIPs

With all the excitement of getting a new washer and dryer set this week, and catching up on laundry, my stitching progress has been minimal. But there has been progress!

Here is the latest on the Joyful World SAL August:

I'm about to run out of the DMC 3362, the green of the leaves and stem on the left. Decided I'd just go one step lighter for the rest as I have 3363 in my stash. Close enough for me. :)

The September design has been printed out, threads gathered, linen cut. Just want to press the linen before getting started with the stitching.

I have also started A Moment in Chalk on that 30 ct Gunmetal linen. If I've ever stitched on anything this dark, I don't remember, so I'm having to adjust to the special difficulties involved.  Why is it we look at the picture of the project and love it, not thinking about all the ramifications of getting the design stitched?!

So it's going slowly, but I have started in the center of the design. And I brought up a little led light strip I had in the basement to have in my lap, shining up through the dark linen while I stitch.  It does help.

I've finished a little more than what you see above, and I've decided to swap the embroidery hoop for a scroll frame to better handle the size of linen which is 15"x15".

Last Friday I grabbed my 8 yo granddaughter and made a trip to the xs store to buy the GAST threads I need to stitch A Moment in Chalk.

And there's the reason I will stitch this project - look at those colors on the dark gray linen!!!

Oh my goodness! I just took a brief minute to look for something over at the Nordic Needle website and look at what greeted me as the page opened!

If you love scissors like I do, you know that my clicky finger went right to work and pre-ordered a pair of those sweet things! Sawyer will be available this fall. Get yourself over to Nordic Needle to order a pair for yourself!

You're welcome. Have a wonderful weekend!


Vickie said...

Good Morning Von! I just printed my September pattern off also. Now I need to pull linen and floss. :) You are almost caught up!! I hope you have a great weekend with your new stitch.

Barb said...

A good start on August. I hope you had a terrific day with your grand daughter.