Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Bloomin' Tulips

After several nice, sunny, almost-spring days, the tulips color popped out and they are such a delight!

I wish this picture would motivate me to plant some more bulbs this fall. The bed really needs to be refreshed!

The color of this variety charms me!

Hmmm, what is else going on? Well, my college kids came home over the weekend and one is here all week. Wish I didn't have to go to work so I could enjoy more time with him! But he's been useful around the house, especially cleaning up leaves and helping out his older brother at his house. On Saturday evening I invited all 7 of my kids plus spouses over for snacks and catch up time and it was great listening to the chatter and laughter!

Yesterday two reps from one of the insurance companies we sell for came to visit. I'm starting to feel more comfortable talking with some of the reps as I get to know them better. Gary was late in getting to the Kennewick office, so we had a good visit before he arrived. They had good things for us from the home office and then they took us out for a nice dinner. 

Last Friday evening, after a rough week, Gary and I decided to visit Goose Ridge Winery's happy hour. They have a beautiful building for their tasting room and dining room. It was a nice little treat.

I couldn't help but be intrigued with the letters spelling WINE on the mantle, made from wine corks. I have a nice little collection of corks that I've been looking for ways to use. Sitting at the table, drinking my wine, I devised a couple of ways I could create something similar to that. Now to implement! That might be awhile the way things are going around here.

Well, Easter is coming this Sunday and I wish you all a Blessed Resurrection Day. In our house, we'll be attending Good Friday service, Saturday the grandkids will be over to color eggs and have a hunt, then Sunday we'll have church and dinner for most of the kids after.


Vickie said...

Sounds just wonderful what you have been up to and what is to come! Enjoy and Happy, Blessed Easter to you.

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Happy Easter!

Kaisievic said...

Lovely tulips and how lovely to have all of your family home for the week. Sorry to hear that you and Gary had a rough week but it looks like your date night helped smooth the end of the week for you.

Brigitte said...

... and now they are blooming. So wonderful, your tulips.
Have a great Easter!

viv said...

Wishing you a lovely Easter. The tulips are gorgeous. They look so elegant. My garden grows in reckless abandon, sigh.

Maggee said...

Such beautiful tulips! I need to plant some... I love them! Sounds like your family gets along well, for quick gatherings...I love to spend time with my kids and their families! Have a Blessed Resurrection Day!

Margaret said...

Gorgeous tulips.
Wonderful to have all of your family together to share snacks & fun and laughter.