The laundry is mostly caught up, the kids' bags are packed - we're out of here in the morning, driving to Boise for the long Thanksgiving holiday weekend. All of us, except Geoff who will be working at Best Buy, bright and early (4 a.m.!) on Black Friday. Poor boy, such are the responsibilities of growing up.
We always go to Boise to spend Thanksgiving with DH's family and my sister and family are always included too. It's a great weekend of catching up, shopping, eating, relaxing, and lots and lots of computer games for all the cousins. This year will be a little different as my DFIL had surgery today to repair the surgery he had in Mexico after he fell on the cruise ship and broke his hip. So to the above list we will add hospital time! It's ok! We're just so glad that Dad made it through the surgery and has better days to look forward to.
Yesterday DH and I went to the US Cellular store and picked up a new phone for me. This new one has the camera that I said I didn't really need - but since that was the phone that we got a special deal on - great! Just glad to have a phone that will hold a charge for awhile!
Also yesterday, I began a new hardanger small project. It will be my exchange ornament for our SAGA Christmas party.
The weather is still gray here, the inversion is trapping the clouds low. These days just sap my energy - I have so much I could be doing, but I do only what I have to. I did get the dinner rolls made for T'giving dinner tho. I'm looking forward to going over the mountain tomorrow and seeing the sun for a short while. Very short I'm afraid as Boise and the surrounding area seem to have their own inversion. Where's the wind when you need it??
Have a safe trip and a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration, Von!
Hope you have a great trip - glad to hear your FIL's surgery was OK, and hope recovery is uneventful and quick. Have a great time :))
Hope you had a safe & enjoyable holiday.
Enjoy this time with your loved ones.
Have a safe trip!!
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