Ever have a project that you wished had been done on different fabric? I'm sure most of us have. Luckily, the problem project this time was a quick little thing - Grateful, Thankful, Blessed by Lizzie Kate. I kitted this up for a Labor Day weekend away in Boise on 28 ct Prairie Grain and pulled floss from my stash and I really liked it - except my scrap linen was a bit too small.
So I started over Thursday and here's what it looks like so far:
Grateful, Thankful, Blessed by Lizzie Kate | | |
This time I cut a piece of 32 ct Parchment and used the WDW floss called for in the pattern. I have just one more row of leaves and I'll be finished. And with the extra fabric, I'll be able to frame it easily.
Hurray for quick finishes!
And I have another start that will not be a quick finish - Babe's Honey Farm Sampler by Victoria Sampler. Here's what I got done Friday morning:
This is pretty detailed with lots of confetti stitches in places - but the end result is so sweet! Look for an update on this one real soon.
Today is pretty low-key with laundry, football, and stitching on the agenda, just the kind of Saturday I like. Have a great one yourself!
Too bad about the restart on your sweet pattern.
Enjoy your weekend. It is mild weather here. I am grilling out hamburgers today!
Love your "do-over". All your starts and finishes are making me want to stitch and I can't right now...just a little knitting in stolen moments. Everything is lovely. I'm looking forward to a stitching retreat the first of December. Happy stitching and hope your team wins.
( I tried to comment earlier...and received a bad request error...so if 2 show up, just delete one.)
That's a cute little project. I am not enjoying the linen that I am stitching on right now but I have to get the design finished as it will be a Christmas gift. So I can't wait and order more linen. I will just have to get through it and remember to not order this linen again!
Lots of times - usually when my sheep or santa beard bkend into the fabric!
Last year I stitched a nice Homespun Elegance design on a piece of fabric whose colour I disliked the more I stitched on it. I think I would have liked it better if I had changed the thread colours. After finishing the piece it landed in my drawer and I'm not sure if I will restitch it. Too many other projects, lol.
Your L*K piece is small enough to restart it. And it looks lovely.
Great new start on the Victoria Sampler piece.
I love your Lizzie Kate...and I have done that same thing more times than I care to admit. The floss against the Parchment fabric is gorgeous and I can't wait to see your finish...quick ones are the best.
"Babe's Honey Farm" is going to be gorgeous and I am looking forward to watching your progress.
Have a great weekend...what's left of it...your Saturday mirrored mine :)
I'm laughing because I did the exact same thing on this exact same chart. I finished it as a pillow, but didn't leave enough fabric so there is no margin around the stitching. Something no one but me notices, but it bugs me so much! I did like the WDW colors she used for the chart.
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