Monday, August 22, 2016

Weekend Wrap-Up

What a great weekend! Gary and I were able to attend the Seattle Mariners vs. Milwaukee Brewers baseball game Sunday as guests of Dairyland Insurance in the suite they rented for the game. And VIP parking was included! We had never been to a Mariners game as Gary's not a big sports fan (I'm far more of a fan than he), but he couldn't pass up this opportunity.

We decided to drive over to the Seattle area the afternoon before so we could have a more relaxing Sunday morning, and arrived at the parking garage a couple of hours before the game started. Traffic gets awful on game day! But once we parked the car, we bypassed the crowds and were directed to the upper level for the suite ticket holders. At the suite we found a concierge and a room with popcorn, peanuts, chips, and a refrigerator full of drinks, and later they served hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken strips - the usual ballpark favorites. Our Dairyland hosts greeted us and we had a nice time visiting with everyone as they arrived.

Safeco Field is a beautiful stadium.

Looking out at the field from the suite
The game started out pretty well for the Mariners with a 6-1 lead over the Brewers. Then in the 8th and 9th innings, things fell apart and they ended up losing 6-7. The crowd was not happy! But we had a great time watching the game.

We hung out for a little while then made our way to the parking garage before it closed. It took awhile, but we finally got out on the freeway to go down to Southcenter Mall because I wanted to visit the Daiso store for more project boxes. I also found some zippered bags, washi-type tape, children's bento lunch boxes, and some wrapping paper, each item was $1.50. So many cute things!

While I was shopping, Gary went next door to the County Library. What a great place for a library!

Now we're back home, ready for a week of activities at the Benton-Franklin County Fair. Up tonight is the Demolition Derby.


Barb said...

So glad you had such a good time in Seattle!

Vickie said...

I don't suppose I should say Yay Brewers? ;) I am glad you had such a nice time. Sounds wonderful Von.

viv said...

What a treat for you two. When you mentioned the library next door to the shopping, I remembered a quilt shop we visited on a shop hop. I've seen children's areas before, but this one had a large screen tv tuned to the sports channel, comfy chairs, wi-fi and charging station, hunting and fishing magazines, and a coffee pot and light snacks for hubbies.

Cricket-bug Corner said...

Looks like a great day. Traffic in Seattle is crazy!!! In Portland too!