Friday, October 07, 2005

The Dirt Hauler

That's me! Three days in a row this week I've been outside sifting dirt and filling my hole. The weather was perfect for this kind of activity, temps in the high 60s, partly cloudy, clear air from the rain last week. Now I can see an end to this project! However, we received a little more rain last night so I won't be out there today. Tomorrow Gary will get another load of sheep doo, but I will be at Laura's house cutting fabric, sewing pieces together, and pleating little Grady gowns for our SAGA community service project.

Hauling dirt has taken a toll on my body, but it's also affected my stitching I've decided. Wednesday evening I almost finished the scotch stitching on AB when I discovered that the meeting stitches didn't match properly - they both were facing the same way instead of alternating. How in the world did that happen!!? I looked and looked at it, but couldn't figure out what I'd done, so put it away to try again in the light of day. Pulled it out again yesterday morning and inspected it only to find the problem near the top of the left side - I'd stitched over five threads instead of four on four of the squares, making it come out correctly countwise at the bottom, but threw off the diagonal design of the stitch. So I spent the evening frogging. Maybe Sunday afternoon I'll be able to finish it up again, correctly!

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