Friday, August 26, 2016

Friday Finish

It feels so good to have almost caught up with the monthly Joyful World SAL, actually getting August done before the end of the month!

The colors look a little washed out, perhaps as I took the picture right next to the window. I had to make a couple of modifications due to running out of one color of floss, and to a counting error. Those things happen! At least I didn't have to rip any stitches out!

August will be pinned to the other months I have on my bulletin board of finishes.

Tonight we'll be going out to the fair and rodeo with one of our sons and his wife. We get dinner at the sponsor hospitality tent - prime rib! Yum!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Barb said...

What a wonderful group of monthly patterns. Have a fun time at the fair!

viv said...

Congrats. Looks beautiful to me. So nice to actually finish...I just keep starting...

Brigitte said...

Looks great to see all our Joyful World finishes on your board of finishes.

Vickie said...

Hooray for a finished August! And Hip Hip Hooray for Prime Rib!! :D I have now begun the September pattern also. ;)

Robin in Virginia said...

August looks super and way to go on getting it stitched up before the month ended! Enjoy the fair and the prime rib!

Melissa said...

What a cute series and you've done so well with keeping up with it!

Cricket-bug Corner said...

Those are so cute - I printed them out but that's it! I love the lazy daisy stitches!!

llknbillburg said...

Congrats on your ability to keep up with an SAL. I signed up for this one too but so far have only managed to print them out. They are so cute I really hope to get to them eventually. Laura