Thursday, April 07, 2016

Phlox in Bloom

I love this phlox that tumbles down the rock embankment.

For the next couple of days, we're getting a little summer weather preview with temps up into the 80s!

So excuse me while I take a walk!!


Barb said...

What a great day for a walk!! The blue phlox is just beautiful.

Vickie said...


viv said...

Beautiful...unfortunately my outdoor walk today will be to put some pots into the garage and cover the hydrangeas we've been told to expect a freeze this weekend. Spring will come and summer will quickly follow.

Solstitches said...

So very pretty. Must look for Phlox next time we are shopping for plants for the garden.

Julie said...

Very pretty

Brigitte said...

What a wonderful blue color this is.