Thursday, April 21, 2016


Last spring was warm and the garden started its bloom early. This year it looks like my garden is about a week ahead of last year.

Look what I found hiding in the back corner!

Clematis - name unknown

I found one little bloom on my favorite rose bush - Peach Silk

Cooler weather is coming, but not so cool that it will slow down the bloom time. I love glancing out the windows of my home and seeing bits of color and soon it will be swaths of color!

I hope the weather is improving in your area!


Carol said...

Such pretty things are appearing in your garden each day! We've had such hot weather here that it was too much for the poor tulips and they didn't fare well... Not complaining, though--April has been lovely in western PA for a change!

Barb said...

Your yard is looking great. I love that Clematis. I have one blooming too. But no rose or iris in sight yet.

Vickie said...

So pretty. My pansies are doing well. And my English Daisies came back from last year. :)

viv said...

So beautiful. Until I saw your iris I thought our gardens were coming into bloom at about the same time. No iris here yet, but I have seen some starting to bloom locally. Guess you can tell I'm playing catch up on reading your blog...I made some pictures Monday, but they haven't made it to the blog yet.

Solstitches said...

I've recently planted a couple of Clematis. Hope they will be as pretty as yours.

Brigitte said...

I love Clematis very much and we have them too along the fence behind the house. I love this particular colour, ours are the same.