My ability to participate in some of the activities on the Friends Gather BB is usually pretty limited; however, this weekend looked free and I decided I would join the 24-hour Challenge this month. Starting and finishing a project in 24 hours necessitates that it be small, so I chose the Prairie Schooler freebie I've seen on other stitching blogs. It's a pretty design and great fun to stitch up, and I actually did it in 24 hours!
Of course, I had other things to get done today too. The sun was shining again today, so I continued with some of that spring cleaning. Today I cleared out a part of my closet and actually cleaned up the huge dust bunnies that had reproduced on the closet floor! Then I had some things I needed to store but not much room in my storage room. But first I did a little stitching, then I went downstairs and did some rearranging and throwing out. Then I stitched some more. Then I did laundry . . . and so it went until I finished my stitching. As we all know, the cleaning, sorting, organizing never really gets finished. This stitch 'n work tactic should be used more often and perhaps I'd accomplish more all round! And it helps if the sun is shining.
It looks great Von! Congratulations on a successful challenge :)
Hey Von, that is one pretty piece that you stitched for the 24 hour challenge.
And good on yor keeping up with the clearing up and cleaning out. I think I am going to have to adopt something to sort this place out. I am sure not going to move all the stuff that we moved this time again.
Ooh! I really like that little freebie! Congrats on your happy dance. :)
Good for you Von! So far, every month as the weekend for the 24 hour challenge comes up something goes wrong here at home. sigh Maybe next month.
Oh Von! Congratulations! That is sooo pretty!! Have you decided what you will do with it now??
Very cute, Von! Congratulations!
Oh, I liked your 24 hour piece! You stitch fast! And good going on your "stitch" banner! It look sreally good! All your WIP's look great!
Great job, Von! Congrats on meeting the 24 hour challenge and on producing such a pretty piece in the process. It's just after 2:30 PM on Sunday and I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to try to stitch something for the challenge or not. LOL
Such a lovely little design. Congratulations on meeting the challenge :)
That is really cute! Great job!
Your stitching looks wonderful! Very springy! (and we need that here!)
I told my husband that instead of 'spring cleaning' I was just going to start naming the dust bunnies. He did not find it amusing, so I told him he could help! I'm sure that's not going to happen...
I'm a little behind in my commenting... but, wanted you to know that both of your mugs are lovely. :-)
That's a gorgeous freebie, congratulations Von
Congratulations Von, Looks wonderful. I like that freebie very much (It's just sitting on my hard drive at the moment - something to consider for the next challenge!!)
Wow! That was fast! Impressive, Von!
Yours looks so pretty Von, how are you going to finish it?
Your PS freebie looks great, Von! Congratulations on meeting the 24 hour challenge! (I participated in the first one and it was fun to actually start and complete something in such a short time!)
Are you still homeschooling? If so, I am even more amazed! A few of my friends from church are homeschool moms and I admire them so much! I'm a credentialed teacher and I still don't know that I could do it!
I printed this out last week. Very pretty. Are those the original colors? You did a great job. 24 hours- and changed dust bunnies at the same time. that is quite the weekend.
Well, you had a productive day - cleaning, organizing and my favorite - stitching! I'd like to stitch this PS freebie too!
It's soooo pretty Von. Well done. Just poping onto PS to download this one as well. Is is so good to have something finished in 24 hours.
It's on my to-do list as well! But spring still seems so far around here...
Could you please send me a little courage so I could use it to deal with my household chores? Cos' I don't have any...
Lots of hugs, dear Von!
Von, that is lovely. I need to check out that freebie -- is it on their web site?
DH managed to clear out his closet ... what a difference! I don't know what will be cleared out next ...
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